Friday, July 27, 2012

MCA (Motor Club of America) TVC Matrix

Hey! WELL HELLO AGAIN! It's been while since I've posted on here, but I've been super busy this Summer! I love working from home, and still enjoying the LOVE of my life! (my FAMILY) I will NEVER miss out on their lives because of a JOB! :D I just wanted to inform you all about the opportunity with MCA (Motorist Club of America). First things first- I don't want you to think I'm a network marketing hopper, lol! so I am simply finding actual programs now before I introduce them to my down-line- I have found that ZNZ/GDI and now MCA is converting perfectly just using their simple links without a "system". I know I myself have proven ZNZ, GDI, and MCA to work so those are the only things I'm recommending anyone do at this moment to earn some extra money. The only thing I think you haven't tried with me is the MCA- MCA is Motorist Club of America. It's just like AAA, but they have an affiliate program you can earn $80/person but best of all your ACTUALLY selling a PRODUCT! LOL! It's $40 to start, but $20/month after- you earn a residual income on your down-line and you also earn $6 overrides off your entire down-line! I myself have not made $1000 with it yet because I have been to busy this week- but my sponsor made $1000 the first week~ :) And of course that's only 10-12 people. Call me! :) Who wouldn't want to get extra benefits and earn money every Friday? Here's a proof shot from someone in my up-line making $1000's weekly!
-- Thanks! Jennifer Paradise 423-413-1663 "Working from home is MY DREAM come true!"