Thursday, April 5, 2012


Here at this house- we LOVE to coupon! My daughter even knows what a coupon is-- she refers to it as MOMMY'S MONEY! If she see's a coupon, she immediately hands it to me. Its like she knows it is NOT to be thrown away! SHE IS TWO! Haha! 
"Train up a child... " Proverbs 22:6

I have been using coupons for about 2 years now. Bi-Lo is my absolute FAVORITE place to shop for our groceries, CVS is my absolute FAVORITE for other household items, etc! Did you know the the Dollar Tree accepts coupons? :) Yep! Well ours does! 

Even though I am able to work from home, make money, spend money-- I don't just blow it! I carefully decide how to spend the money according to our needs and our desires! Just like tomorrow- as a family we will be going to the Creative Discovery Museum-- & getting our pictures made! Did I mention shopping? 

Hey you- I know your reading this--- give me some feedback! :) Just comment below! or give me a G+! :D

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